Wednesday, July 22, 2009

UK survey says off-shoring in full swing

A survey performed by The IT Job Board, an IT recruiment service based in the UK, had some grim news for native IT workers.

According to the survey, two-thirds of companies have off-shored some IT functions in the last six months. That’s on top of 34% of IT professionals who stated that more than half of their IT department had already been off-shored. Of those, 79% said the jobs were outsourced to India.

The next six months doesn’t look so rosy either. 50% of those surveyed believe their companies were planning to off-shore over the next six months. When asked where they thought the work was going 75% believed the work would go to India. As far as the roles being affected by outsourcing 79% thought it was software development related, 71% said it was programmer roles, and 57% believed it to be IT support jobs being impacted.

A big complaint with off-shoring is that the people hired lack business knowledge. 83% of those surveyed also believe it has a negative impact on the quality of IT. 76% also believe there is no long-term benefit to the economy as a result of off-shoring.

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