Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lock Windows softwares from unauthorized access

If you are the administrator of a network of computers , probably you would need a software to lock unauthorized access to your softwares. So here is a software that can disable access to specified .exe files in a Windows based PC.

This software ,Applocker can be used in Network and local computers . If it is used in networks , we need to have it installed only on the administrator's PC . Its executable file can be copied to a shared folder in the network ,to be used by other systems.

lock Windows softwares

Here there is some applications that are shown by default . If you want ,you can add more softwares to the list . Whenever any user clicks a locked software , it will give the following error message.

lock softwares

Download Applocker :Freeware ( 1MB) to lock Windows softwares from unauthorized access .

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